Friday, January 3, 2014

Backcountry Access Changes Coming To A Forest Near You

Recent demands for access to public lands have created conflicts between user groups, in an effort to remedy the problem the "Good To Bro" pass has been created. Users will have a RFID card on their persons to access the goods. An automated gate system will be in place at all trailheads

In addition to all this snowmachines will be required to go green by 2015. To help with this charging stations will be located in strategic locations through out the mountains at regular intervals. Some groups such as the Sierra Club have already patted themselves on the back for the carbon friendly approach to this problem. 

Critics of the plan asked "why can't I  just go around the gate?", Bob Neel the govt spokesperson for the program stated "we have hired a Eastern European/Israeli Company that specializes in wall building to prevent that"

Company founder Ivan Skiinoff says there is no problem keeping the freeloaders from bypassing the tried and true system they have used for many decades.
 However there are detractors of the new system, Wade Sachs of the Alpine Liberation Front has already made plans to go full rebel but declined any further interview and went away mumbling something about a two stroke weapons delivery platform under development.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Government Hires Contactors For Avalanche Control

In a cost cutting move the USFS is replacing Avalanche Control workers with H-2B visa holders.  Workers across the western US are packing up their guns and returning them back to the military for an urban renewal program in Detroit.

Local Avalanche pro Duke Nukem stated his disappointment today, "How am I going to blow shit up with out a gun?, What will I do this winter? teach effing snowboarding?" 

Meanwhile prospective new contractors were busy demonstrating skills for their new job this winter

Local USFS program administrator Ranger Smith believes the cost cutting measures would save tens if not hundreds of dollars which would be used for the reopening of decommissioned roads with the help of grant money from the Sierra Club. Some groups have expressed concern that errant Predator Drone strikes might hit the guest workers but Ranger Smith assures us that mistake won't happen at this level of government.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Government Shutdown

" US Forest Service will cease Ski Area operations on federal land due to the shutdown"
Forest Service has declared all snowplay to be non-essential for 2013-14, Government Scientist Dr. Gregg White stated today "Avalanches don't worry about budgets, it's not going to be safe without our oversight, we have to close the Backcountry."